
Information about our tuition, fees, and strong financial aid program.

All Programs

Full Time
Please Enquire With Admissions
  • Age: Newborn - 6 Years

All Programs

Part Time
Please Enquire With Admissions
  • Age: Newborm - 6 Years


Part & Full Time
Check with admissions - only few spots
  • 6 months - 13 years

Fun Bus

Toddlers - Kindergarten
  • 10 weeks program

Amazing Athletes

Toddlers - Kindergarten
  • 10 weeks program

Soccer Shots

Toddlers - Kindergarten
  • 10 weeks program

Music Program​

Toddlers - Kindergarten
  • 10 weeks program

have discounts for your family

Corporate Toddlers is designed to help families secure the current year’s base tuition rates for the duration of their child’s preschool through Kindergarten “early years.”