About Us

Corporate Toddlers is a family-owned business in operation since 1990.  We hold our staff to the highest standards in the industry.  All the children in our care are treated with warmth and respect.


You can expect the owner to be here, at the preschool, every day.  Part of every selection process should include meeting with, and learning about the owner.  Let's face it - the people running the show will dictate the quality of care your little one will receive.  You must be completely confident in the people setting the standards.  As a parent, I know this:  when it comes to your child's well being, always trust your instincts!

Corporate Toddlers is an established school with a long history of success.  We are not just another institutional national chain preschool outlet.  The service and attention you and your child will receive here is typical of any family owned business.  Indeed, our primary source of enrollment is from word-of-mouth referrals.  The most common remarks heard by these referrals involve the "personal touch and the warm, loving, nurturing environment" experienced by the children we have served over the years.  While we certainly have an excellent academic curriculum, we never lose sight of perhaps the most important aspects of any child's early development - the social and peer group skills needed to succeed in elementary school and beyond.  Children with these skills typically transition more smoothly into the new and challenging environment of elementary school.

We focus on preparing each child for both the social and academic challenges that lie ahead.  A confident, socially responsible, well-educated child makes for a smooth transition into "the big school" for both the child and his or her parents.  Indeed, laying this strong foundation now in preschool will prove invaluable to your child's growth and development in the years ahead.

We have taken many precautions to ensure the safety of your child.  We utilize an electronic security system at the front entrance (which restricts access to the general public) and we conduct a very thorough background check on all employees.  We also employ a Registered Nurse here at the preschool (which is, for the record, extremely rare in the industry).  Additionally, our staff is instructed and certified in infant/child CPR.  We have excellent staff-child ratios with small peer group sizes in each classroom.

We have an optional hot lunch program available daily, and our curriculum includes a variety of in-house special events for the children throughout the year.  There is both an indoor and an outdoor play area for the children.  We also offer a computer lab for our older children (included in your tuition).

We invite you to come observe the staff and our children, and ask questions that you may have.  Please feel free to bring your child along as well.  Observe our children carefully, as they are the ultimate evaluators of any early childhood program.  I am confident that you will find them to be happy and well adjusted.


                                     Toni Ullery  (Owner/Director)